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Our Responsibilities & Goals

As a combined effort across all organisations*, we will...



​​​​​For Pets


  • Do the best we can for each and every pet who visits our centres, regardless of cost.​​​​​​​​


For Pet Owners


  • Provide affordable access to pet healthcare and supplies, significantly reducing financial burden.

  • Provide low cost or free pet healthcare and supplies to those struggling with health or hardship.

  • Provide reassurance that our team will do everything in their power to care for their pet.

  • Raise the standards of professional pet care and supplies across our nation.

  • Increase the level of consumer trust within the veterinary industry.

  • Take a compassionate yet professional approach to the needs of owners and their pets welfare. 

  • Present straightforward information about your pets health condition, treatment plan or treatment options.


For Our Team


  • Pay salaries in line with experience and expectations.

  • Provide benefits such as healthcare, dental care, health and wellness.

  • Provide on site catering and relaxation.

  • Offer the choice to commit to the hours they want to work.

  • Provide 20 minute consultation slots.

  • Provide individual and group therapy to help relieve the emotional burden of veterinary care.

  • Advertise our zero tolerance for abuse policy.

  • Provide consistent education for our clients and the general public about the important of animal welfare, responsible pet ownership, preventative measures and of following professional advice where necessary.


For Our Sponsors and Partners


  • Excel in enhancing awareness to your brand, products or services.

  • Provide monthly reports detailing data and analytics on pet health and care trends to assist with your own research.

  • Provide increased demand for your products and services.

  • Provide opportunities for you to lead in innovation and advancement within animal health technologies and pharmaceuticals with our consumer based research.


For Pet Care Professionals


  • Provide an increased demand for your services through our Membership benefits and ethos.


For Our Community


  • Work towards a world where healthcare is unrestricted for all animals.

  • Educate to improve awareness of animal welfare and promote responsible pet ownership.

  • Run clean up programmes for areas laden with dog waste.

  • Offer animal therapy programmes in healthcare, rehabilitation and educational settings, offering emotional support and companionship to individuals in need.

  • Provide better control of infectious diseases through vaccination and preventative measures, leading to healthier pets.

  • Reduce the strain on animal rescue centres by promoting responsible pet ownership, responsible breeding practices, reducing the costs of pet care and offering behavioural support, therefore reducing the number of unwanted pets and cases of animal abuse and neglect.

  • Provide access to educational resources on pet care and nutrition, allowing pet owners to make informed decisions about their pets health.

  • Provide a significant reduction in the number of stray animals and unwanted litters through spaying and neutering.



* Perfect Pet Club, National Pet Health Service, Animal Magic Family Pet Retreat, Animal Magic Family Trust and our approved Partners.

© 2024. The National Association of Pet Health CIC. 15934146.

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© 2022 - 2024 Perfect Pet Care & Supplies Ltd. 14534231

© 2024 The National Association of Pet Health CIC. 15934146

Animal Magic Family Pet Retreat, Health & Wellness Centre, Oakworth, BD22 0QJ


Photography by Perfect Pet Personnel and Clients.


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