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Our Clean Up Solution for Communities, Private Households and Businesses


There IS Such a Thing...

Let's face it - dog poo is gross!  Nobody wants to see it laying in their back garden - let alone on public pavements, high streets, parks and countryside walks.  Many of us have tried to tackle the problem - yet it seems to get worse. There is dog poo EVERYWHERE!


So, Animal Magic Family have launched an initiative which provides a solution for all.


By 2023, we aim to involve local councils, businesses and residents with an aim to significantly reduce the amount of dog waste left laying on the ground.  Though signage and leaflet campaigns help, we do not think they are the answer.  We are never going to force irresponsible dog owners to pick their mess up.  Sad but true.


Our 3 phase initiative:




We hope to encourage Councils to make a financial contribution towards the costs of our service.  This will involve installing more dog poo bins with dog poo bag and sanitiser stations at regular intervals along popular dog walking routes.  These stations will be maintained daily, so supplies are kept topped up and bins are emptied before becoming overfull.  In addition we will do a ground check of the surrounding area, ensuring that it is cleared on a daily basis.




For businesses who have land or frontage which falls on a public walkway, our service will be available to utilise at competitive rates.  If you are a local business owner who has a dog poo problem, get in touch for a free consultation and no obligation quote.




By inviting local residents to help, we would love to combat specific problem places such as outside homes. We will provide the clean up supplies and organise teams to regularly visit and maintain these places.  



Please get in touch if you would like more information, or to offer your time to help with our mission!






Dog fouling is illegal.


If you are seen to leave your dog's mess laying on the ground, you will be fined up to £1,000!


Dog poo carries nasty bacteria which can lead to health concerns such as Toxocariasis - an infection that can lead to dizziness, nausea, asthma and even blindness or seizures.


Abandoned dog poo can spread disease to other dogs, pets, livestock, aquatics and wildlife.



It does not hurt you to pick up your dog poo!  But it may harm others.  






Instagram: @thedogpoofairyuk


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© 2022 - 2024 Perfect Pet Care & Supplies Ltd. 14534231

© 2024 The National Association of Pet Health CIC. 15934146

Animal Magic Family Pet Retreat, Health & Wellness Centre, Oakworth, BD22 0QJ


Photography by Perfect Pet Personnel and Clients.


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