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Your Perfect Pet is the first ever subscription box dedicated to pet care!  Each edition will involve 12 months of box deliveries, each one crammed full of invaluable, easy to follow guides and products - all designed to help you welcome and raise your new pet!  All educational content will be produced to keepsake standard - so you will be able to keep the collection for every pet you adore along the way.


The first edition - for new puppy owners - will launch this Spring!  If you can't wait to get your hands on it, we are welcoming Pre-Orders now - and you will be over the moon as not only will you receive your first box before it officially goes on sale, but you will also receive boxes 2 and 3 FOR FREE!


If that isn't all fabulous enough - all profits made from both Your Perfect Pet and Perfect Pet Magazine will be used to build our Animal Magic Family Trust - aiming to help pets and owners in need with supplies, training, veterinary treatment and rehabiliation.


Each "Your Perfect Pet" Delivery will include:


🐾 Care Guide

🐾 Fun Facts

🐾 Poster

🐾 Training & Progress Organiser

🐾 A copy of Perfect Pet Magazine

🐾 A product to help raise your puppy

🐾 Discounts and Freebies from pet professionals in your area

🐾 Access to our Your Perfect Pet VIPF Club (private Facebook group)

🐾 A free gift from us!


Your first delivery will include a guide on how to find your perfect puppy!


Dispatch date: 1st September 2024 for Pre-Orders (subsequent boxes will be dispatched on the 1st of each month thereafter).


Please email with any queries. To join our email list for updates - just send a blank email with "Update Please" as the Subject.

Your Perfect Pet - Monthly Pet Care Subscription Box

Price Options
Your Perfect Pet
£24.95every month for 12 months
  • First Edition - A Guide to Raising Your New Puppy


    1. How to Find Your Perfect Puppy (Age 0 - 8 Weeks)
    2. Welcoming Your Puppy Home and Your First Month Together (Age 9 - 12 Weeks)
    3. Age 13 - 16 Weeks
    4. Age 17 - 20 Weeks
    5. Age 21 - 24 Weeks
    6. Age 25 - 28 Weeks
    7. Age 29 - 32 Weeks
    8. Age 33 - 36 Weeks
    9. Age 37 - 40 Weeks
    10. Age 41 - 44 Weeks
    11. Age 45 - 48 Weeks
    12. Age 49 - 52 Weeks - to include a birthday card and gift!


    Your Perfect Pet is written and produced by a team of pet professionals including trainers, veterinarians, veterinary nurses and experienced pet care business owners.  If you should have any health concerns relating to your puppy whilst following our care guides, please contact your own registered veterinarian in the first instance.


    Perfect Pet Magazine


    Along with Your Perfect Pet, our brand new publication aspires to improve the standards of pet care, reduce welfare cases – and provide you with a reliable directory of qualified, experienced and ethical pet professionals in your own area!  Perfect Pet Magazine will include features from business owners and product reviewers - and will even show you the best places to take your pet in the UK!


    Our magazine will also be available for individual sale.


    Perfect Pet VIPF Club


    All subscribers will be invited to join our private Facebook group - where you will be welcome to ask specific questions relating to your pet and receive tailored advice from the team who put "Perfect Pet" together!


    Future Editions


    Cat, Bunny and Horse Editions will be released 2025.  Please register your interest by emailing us at:

  • Perfect Pet Instagram
  • Perfect Pet Facebook

© 2022 - 2024 Perfect Pet Care & Supplies Ltd. 14534231

© 2024 The National Association of Pet Health CIC. 15934146

Animal Magic Family Pet Retreat, Health & Wellness Centre, Oakworth, BD22 0QJ


Photography by Perfect Pet Personnel and Clients.

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